UBCC - United British Car Clubs

UBCC, United British Car Clubs, is not a real Club. It's a way for owners of British cars in the Gothenburg area, as well as the whole western part of Sweden to come together and get more fun out of their great British cars. In this way there will be 20 participants instead of only five or six at meetings and outings, which makes it all more fun, both for the poor people working with the arrangements and for the participants.
UBCC has been acting on a completely volountary basis some years now, and participants come from various clubs. All members of any British car mark club are welcome.
You can reach Mats Nilsson of the Sweidsh Jaguar Club on phone +46 31 8316 84. Or try Tore Mattsson from Morgan Owners group of Sweden at +46 31 91 09 14, Bengt Ericsson from the Rootes Club at +46 31 795 22 90 , Björn Gunnarsson from the Triumph TR-club at +46 31 88 15 33 or Bo Arnholm from Rover Club of Sweden at +46 31 741 28 38.
From early May to late September the UBCC arranges outings every Tuesday. We meet by the TV-house in Delsjön in Gothenburg at 19:00 o'clock. Start with a nice chat about the cars. Then we go for a tour in the nice surroundings and finish of with a cup of coffee or something.

If you want to comment or supply more information, do mail RCoS Webmaster.


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