
Babs in town!

Till British Car Weeks jubileumsår lyckades vi övertala Owen Wyn-Owen att komma till Göteborg. Och han tog med sig Babs, den legendariska världsrekordbilen, från museét i walesiska Pendine. Just den Babs som John Parry-Thomas satte det närmast ofattbara världsrekordet på 275 km/tim med på sandstranden i Pendine 1926. Under ett nytt världsrekordförsök våren 1927 voltade han med bilen och dog. Efter denna olycka grävdes bilen ner i sanden.
42 år senare, 1969, lyckades Owen Wyn-Owen få tillstånd att gräva upp bilen och restaurera den, ett arbete som tog 15 år att genomföra. Sedan dess finns Babs på ett litet museum i Pendine och bara vid sällsynta tillfällen visas den på andra ställen.
Ett av dessa sällsynta tillfällen var alltså under 2004 års British Car Week i Göteborg!
Babs visades upp på Tjolöholm Classic Motor och vid ett par andra tillfällen under veckan.


Babs after the accident in 1927

Babs during the digup

Babs restored

British invasion

British invasion

British invasion

British invasion

British invasion

British invasion

British invasion

British invasion

British invasion

British invasion

British invasion

British invasion

British invasion


British Car Week 2004 gave us all the unique opportunity to see the legendary racingcar Babs for the first time outside the UK! Babs is the car that John Parry-Thomas used for setting the land speed record to 171.02 m.p.h. in 1926. A year later Parry-Thomas made another go for the record, but this time the car skidded and then turned over and over again. Parry-Thomas died immediately. After the accident the car was buried in the sand on the shore.
In 1969, 42 years after the accident, Owen Wyn-Owen got the permission to dig up the car and restore it, a work that took him 15 years to complete. Babs is now in a small museum by the shore in Pendine and only rarely shown at other places.
One of these rare occasions was British Car Week in Gothenburg 2004!
Babs was a main attraction at the Tjolöholm Classic Motor and the car was also the main attraction at a show at Eklunds Bil during the week that followed. At this occasion Owen Wyn-Owen also showed pictures from the digup, and told us the full story about the restoration.


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