Annual meeting 2000

Lecturing guest Paul Adkin enjoys dinner with Annelie Åkerström and other Rover-friends.

Spelndid dinner
ICA-gården is reknowned for their excelllent kitchen. The dinner was a fitting end of the day. All in all we were 34 persons during dinner.

Host with guests from afar. The RCoS webmaster, one of the local arranging team, at the far left, at the dinnertable with the guest of honour, Derek Crabb at the far right. Derek works with engine developement at Volvo, and has previously bbeen working at Rover. Other guests at the table are Ian Glass and Frank Harvey from Wales, UK, Alf Göran Nilsson from Sundsvall, some 800 km up north in Sweden, and Olof Neergaard and Kalle Borg from the southernmost part of Sweden.


After dinner we had a lesson in Rover-history.


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